And down below I was being shot fireballs from the eyes of Violet. I suspect some curse words were incubating in that little head too after yesterday's experience with the camera.

I just continued looking up at the crabapple tree that was suddenly all in bloom on a sunny and beautiful spring day. There was just too much prettiness to get sidetracked by Violet's scowl and grudge.
Glorious! I think I see a little smile in Violet's eyes....
(and there's no font size big enough for that "ha!")
It's still drizzling here in NYC, but maybe tomorrow the tulip and cherry trees will pop when the sun finally comes out!
Hey Violet, use your Lazer Eyes next! That will show her!
Violet doesn't like spring because it deflects attention from herself!
Maureen-The crabapples bloomed really fast. Just like that. For a long time there were only buds and then yesterday when it was so sunny, any former bud facing the sun was wide open. It was spectacular. I'm glad nature has those grand surprises every once in a while because yesterday we got news at work that 6-8 percent of the company will be pink-slipped in the next 6 months. Errrrrgh. It was nice to come home and see those crabapple trees looking so happy and pretty.
Tristan and Crikey-you two are so bad. I'm glad that when Violet is on the computer, she is literally on the computer, something about that number locks key needs to be stepped on many times. If you guys and she got together???? I cannot IMAGINE.
Barb-Hmmm. Had to think about that one. I don't think she's an attention seeker so much as being willful and stubborn and since I kind of think of myself the same way, there is bound to be some friction. Lots of it. Ha ha ha.
How beautiful! Inspirational...
(the blooms... Violet scares me somehow...)
Shara-She's just a little 8 pound kitty. Don't get scared of her. If you ever meet her in person, just put a camera in her face, it's just like garlic and vampires. :-)
Wow! We are still about a month away fron crabapple and cherry blossoms here. So beautiful.
DeeDee-Things could be worse. My sister used to live in the mountains in Colorado and I think she had daffodils in July or August or something equally ridiculous.
Our (complete) cherry tree was blooming like magic last week.
(and still is)
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