I took a couple days off from work this week because the weather has been beautiful and I didn't want to miss spring. Some years I do.
Yesterday morning I was about to sit on the glider and have my morning coffee when...

I'm not sure what Violet's spring hours are but from nowhere, there she was, on top of some knitting patterns I wanted to look at. She knew there was some good reading material out there before I even brought out the knitting books.
All cats do this. Why? And what is so captivating about books, magazines and blank paper waiting for something to be written on it? I could sit and stare at a spot on the floor but that's not going to compel a cat to settle in on that spot, blame it on some mysterious intense power of localized gravity, and then defiantly stare back at you. If you set out a Sunday New York Times in the middle of the jungle, would lions and tigers race to sprawl on top of it? I think they would.
Well, I had knitting books to look at, a full cup of coffee and it was a pretty, pretty morning. I could stall Violet out if needed. The bright white blossoms were falling off the crab apple tree and then carried a short distance across the yard by a breeze. Behind me, the kerria blossoms were floating to the ground. Just so restful and pretty.
I had just let Cathy Jean out because she was so adamant about getting out of her tank that morning. She's not a peony stomper like her brother Michael Ray so I don't have a problem letting her loose in the yard before I put up the barricades to try and protect what's starting to come up in the backyard. Cathy Jean settled in the turtle's favorite spot by the kerria and it didn't seem like she missed her brother one bit. And she wasn't bothered by the yellow petals that occasionally fell on her either.

But then......the sounds of early summer. Police cars. Helicopters. An hour or so later...police cars...helicopters. This went on all day. I always know winter and cold weather is long gone when the first nice day is announced with the sounds of crime being chased.
Violet knows that once the knitting patterns come out, YARN is close behind! We've given her a silly award. Send her over to our blog to get it!
Violet's getting an AWARD? With all she does and what she's capable of, I'm afraid to find out what the award is specifically FOR. Especially from you guys!!! Okay, she's cemented on my lap now so the two of us will be over soon..........
Good for you! I too have missed spring in previous years, just being too darn busy to notice and enjoy the beauty of it. Glad CJ had a good time outside. Violet looks like she is the one enjoying the paper and a cup of coffee there. It's a season too good to be missed...Enjoy!
Oh your blog is such a delight! I love all your critters and that you would take some days off work to enjoy spring. Wondeful!
Our furry guy does the same w/ the books and papers and keyboards ... ;-)
Deedee-I'm glad I took those days off last week because it's now cold and rainy. The days I had off were gorgeous. Hopefully I'll get to take off some more days soon. Love this time of year, even if my backyard is a weedy, soggy mess.
Olivia, thank you for your nice comment about my blog. :-) Oh yes, the keyboard...oh dear, I just remembered that Violet is outside...that explains why using the computer is so darn easy tonight!
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