Cats won't look at you when you're trying to take their picture (well, that's been my experience for the last couple days) but flowers...they have no choice. Front and center every time, if
you decide that's what you want, not them.

I thought I'd try taking photos at angles where I couldn't see what I was doing, just like I did with the cats a couple days ago. You know, just start clicking six inches from the ground and hope you photograph something ....and that it's in focus..... and somewhat centered...and hopefully interesting. You have to take a lot of pictures to accidentally get something.

This little Asian ladybug was watching things.

Right at the very, very edge of the

Let's move down the leaf a little bit and get a better view...
... and peer back to see if anything was missed...
Apparently my maneuvers of trying to take photos six inches above the ground without stomping on plants was kind of interesting to this little bug. I guess it was kind of flattering... I think.
But then this...she turned around and sat down. I didn't know ladybugs could sit...

And was she laughing at me?

Well, I took another picture and I imagine this is what a ladybug would skies and pretty flowers.
And maybe a little bit of this too...

Hey, who's laughing now? >:-)