Errrgh. I put the turtles in their stock tanks in the basement for the winter but Michael was not ready to be confined yet. I don't blame him but cold is cold. If you're cold-blooded, you can't run around outdoors when the temperature is in the 50s. You can't. But turtles are stubborn and like I've mentioned many times, they don't compromise. A turtle is going to do what a turtle wants to do. So Michael had a tantrum, lifted himself up on his hind legs and hoisted himself over the side of his tank. Freedom to go anywhere he wanted and...

...this time he headed for the shelves which hold paint cans. I have no idea why but for some reason there was a little yogurt container filled with some paint left over for touch up painting and he found it. Crushed it. Got it allllllll over everything. Oh yes, got it on himself too. Can you see the color? Michael Ray managed to paint himself a very pretty Martha Stewart robin's egg blue. Errrrrgh.
Luckily the temperature outdoors was in the 60s when I discovered him all smug tucked behind the paint cans. Out we went and Michael got his little backside hosed down. The paint came off pretty fast (whew! but still....).
I had errands to run so I left him on the deck to dry off because he obviously was not happy about being indoors (only if it's his decision, NOT mine). I came back to find this...

You can't tell because the photo doesn't really show the depth, but Mr. Michael Ray had figured out a way to aim for one lower step and then brake before lowering himself to the next step. He has never done anything like this before. When he was little, he could fling himself over the side of the deck (a four foot drop!). Steps, luckily, were a little intimidating for him as he got bigger but Lucy, who was a smaller turtle, used to use the potted plants to buffer his descent from step to step downward. This is a whole new level of determination and stubbornness. So next year? Oh I'm sure I'll have some stories. But for now, I just let him loose in the yard for one last day of sunshine. It was not the best temperature for him to be outside but it was sunny and it was above 60 degrees and I know when I cannot win a battle of wills between me and Michael Ray.
Oh yes. if Michael Ray gets something, Cathy Jean wants it too. I found her trying to hoist herself out of her tank so I let her have one last day in the sun too, albeit a very cold day in the sun.
Dear Maria,
I have been enjoying catching up with you this morning. I see you have been very busy with turtle duty! It was very cold this morning bet the turtles were happy to be inside all warm and cozy!
The leaves have been spectagular. I too have enjoyed walking under the canopy of yellows and golds and reds...
Hope you are enjoying your work break.
I have been gathering the supplies to do felting. I am so smitten. Thank you for your guidance. This is a new adventure. I just read about making shoes! How fun that will be.
Ohhhh, another Andrew Bird fan! And I love your blog! what fun--Took me about two minutes to decide I'm pretty sure we'd be friends. I'll be back to read more about the turtles(!) And then there's all the beautiful flower photos.
Thanks for the visit too. Have a great day.
I can't believe what a stubborn little bugger he is!
Kate-stubborn little bugger with a slight blue bottom, that's what he is. >:-/
Nonizamboni-Thanks for visiting and also for your nice, nice comment. :-) If this is your first winter in Minnesota, remember to carry a flask of liquor with you to keep the snow snakes away. :-)
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