Every praying mantis I met over this past summer has had a different personality, and mission. They helped me with the grasshopper problem, were amused by bees forcing themselves to the very bottom of the turtleheads, beheaded an ant, grabbed something from a spider web for a quick snack, attacked me (!), but generally I'm impressed with all of them for their grace and how they took the time to consider the things around them. They're pretty patient. They're not jumping and flying around like other bugs. If you see one in a spot in the morning, chances are he or she will be near the same spot at night.
I remember telling Sherry how much I missed photographing my backyard insects (and this was a month ago) and she told me to just go to a park and lift up some leaves and that I'd find the bugs. "Oh, they're there Maria." It hasn't gotten to that point yet because I'm still bringing in my plants every night and putting them out again in the morning. And so every night a stinkbug or two comes in and also about a dozen lacewings. And in the morning they all go out again.

I had always been afraid (?) of stinkbugs because I thought the little things carried a concentrated stink like a skunk. I guess you can't shake them up that easy because I sure have tested them, and now, so has Violet. That stinkbug would not oblige us with a stink. He didn't care. Crawling up the wall and being knocked down was just something to do until he got to go out the next morning.
Interesting little stinkers, that's what they are. >:-)
And so, this should be the last bug post of the year and I'm closing it with a photo of this lazy girl. She's dragging her flying wings and that shadow is long but her makeup still looks good (even though I think she got a little carried away with the application of her beauty spots).

Fascinating. As ever....
Mental-Aw, thanks. Six months ago, I would NEVER have thought I would become such a photography nut, let alone one who liked to photograph bugs. Never. :-)
Do you mean to say, Maria, that this is a newly acquired addiction? Well, I'm glad to share in it!
I do enjoy your bug posts.
And that mantis shot?
That's good.
Kate-Oh yes. The previous addiction was knitting. I have not put anything on the sticks since I discovered the heavy duty addictive triad of photography + bugs + blogging.
I'm glad you and MP Mama like the bug posts because I sure do like writing them. And thanks for the compliment on the praying mantis. Your praying mantis photo is the best and always will be, just my humble opinion. I do like how the eyes show up on the green ones. My guy looks like a Jerry Lewis character but your praying mantis? That girl has style.
Nice harmony between animals and plants
Blocked drains
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