Click on the image below to read what it says. Yes, that is her picture included with the Wikipedia definition of evil.
Oh..... that Stella. I had let her out of her cage earlier so she could work on her current Yellow Pages project when I noticed it was quiet. A little too quiet. She was nowhere in sight and she did not respond when I called her name (she will usually give herself away with a telltale giggle if she has just started a destructive project of her own). When I heard no giggle, I knew she was up to something really bad. I looked around the house but couldn't find her in her usual places (pushing Eddie out of her cage so she could eat her birdseed, sitting on top of Starlinka's cage to see if she could make Starlinka fly back and forth in extreme terror, staredowns with Violet on the mantle) and then I thought I'd try the linen closet... inside the linen closet.
And there she was...
Doing who knows what. I'll have to get a ladder tomorrow and see what happened in her five minutes of being unsupervised (five minutes is a long time when you have a very busy and skilled beak). I am not going to show you a picture of the linen closet door that got pried open (and without me hearing it!).
Errrgh. Total evil. Stella is my winter version of turtles in the summer.
the wikipedia entry made me have to stop and put my head down, i was laughing so hard.
I would just love to have a few minutes in your house...what a hoot!
You are too too funny, I love your sense of humor. How can you say that adorable bird is evil, that is the sweetest face. Keep the bird stories coming, I had a blue&gold macaw that was truly evil to all except me. Husband had a severe allergic reaction to him and I had to get rid of him, the bird not husband. Husband is lucky man, I really really loved the bird.
Maria, you just make me laugh, girl!!
Oh Stella I can not wait to hear what your feathery self was up to.
Snakey-Me too! Most Infested with evil in all of creation. That's the only way I can think of her now. Ha ha ha.
Mental-Come over any time. We had our first snow that measured over one inch today so just follow all the stray cat tracks that lead to my door.
Mary-I'm not funny. It's that STELLA. Gawd. She is awful, AWFUL. I do very much enjoy your nice comments however. :-)
And you had a macaw? Wow. I'm pretty intimidated by them but when I used to see the big birds in pet stores, macaws always seemed to be the ones with the itchiest ears. They sure liked head scratching. :-)
Cathy-Is that you McQ?
Tami-I'm going to pull out the ladder tomorrow and see what was done, if anything. I was too exhausted (but relieved) after driving home tonight because I avoided getting into any accidents (plenty of opportunities, I almost went off the road twice). I spent the rest of the night bundled up in a wool blanket pinned down by one cat and......you guessed it, Stella. She can't miss out on anything.
How did you ever get that Wikipedia thing to say Stella's name and have her picture? Maybe I'm being naieve, but I just don't understand it.
She is evil. Unfortunately, I must agree. Fortunately, it will make for some good reading this long winter. (Sorry).
Kate-I keep commenting on the naughtiness of my pets but maybe I should start describing myself the same way. Ha ha. I didn't really change Wikipedia, I just made a screenshot of the page and edited and rearranged some stuff in Photoshop. For anyone who still thinks it might be the real thing...um, sorry.... but still, regarding Stella's behavior, it's the TRUTH.
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