And I don't mean states of mind or condition. I mean two states like one being Missouri and the other being Kansas. Meg said that when she first bought her land ten years ago she could not keep away from it (even though no building existed on it yet). I thought my need to see what's going on on
my (oh that sounds so weird) land would kick in later, much later, like a year or something. I'm surprised to find out that it is ever-present on my mind now. And what specifically am I thinking of? A very odd spider that I couldn't get a good picture of on Monday's visit because it was overcast and actively raining and Aussie Mueller was at my side and this spider was getting away......

Look at that thing. Really, it's a spider... it's just shaped like a triangle, striped and full of thorny looking spines. Apparently the spiny orbweaver is a very common spider in the woodlands. Does not look very common to me. I know I should be saving up for a new car but I want a more powerful camera now. My car is twenty years old...surely it can hold out a little while longer while I try to figure out how to finance Big Purchase #2 in my jump to getting back into the debt game. >:-)
As a reader, I think the most interesting, engaging aspect of this land purchase is your relationship with Aussie. Wasn't that what hooked you in the first place? I see a big dog or two in your future menagerie.
Oh...definitely. That one day with the neighbor dogs was soooooo much fun. It looks like Aussie will be with me every day in the future...maybe just checking in since she has self appointed herself the land's guardian And there were some other animals that were kind of key in getting me hooked...I'll write about them tonight. :-)
But a dog of my own? That will be so much fun when it happens. Number one on the list. After the camera...and the car.....and um, some sort of living structure.
I have never seen a spider like that. Wow. And I cannot wait to watch you create a haven there!
It sounds to me like you have your priorities straight. Cameras and camera stuff before car. Yup.
Mental-I'm looking forward to that too but that place is so big, gardening will have to be done with a golfcart and a portapotty.
Leenie-HA ha. Good. I've got confirmation that I'm doing the right thing.
You can get the 'clunker' money for trading in your old car!! its like 4500 or 5000 bucks. maybe that will help.
I will tell you a secret. Daryl of NYC just purchased an awesome little Olympus camera with a zoom lens that takes the most wonderful photos. Hers are sometimes as good as the ones I've been taking with my Nikon D80. Check it out!
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