Sarah warned me to be prepared for a lot of visiting critters on my 20.8 acres because at
Redbud Ranch (which is close by) they have foxes, raccoons, possums, deer, muskrats, one beaver, skunks, coyotes, bobcats, snakes, hawks, snapping turtles, you name it. Cathy J says she foresees a lot of paper plates in my future. :-)

The above photo is of a new raccoon that came by around midnight last weekend. Unfortunately, I don't think he or she is Freddie.

But I suspect he or she is a relative because there's that bold curiosity thing going on... :-)
just found your blog
I love turtles..My blog is in Dutch but I do have a translatebutton, if you like to visit!
I have about 75 animals, I take care of the sick and the weak!
Gr. Anna
oeps! I made a mistake..I followed you under my other name...
Me is Anna
you can find my blog here!
I was a hippie in the 70's in the Ozarks with a little cabin and an outhouse, and I had all of the above plus ticks and brown recluse spiders. But it was gorgeous and my Persian turned into a shrew catching, tree climbing, wild thing and was eventually shot by a farmer for killing his chickens. And then I moved to NYC. Equally intense and vibrant but opposite here.
Anna- Seventy FIVE animals???? I have seven (one guest bird) and it's hard to keep up with just them. I am sincerely impressed. I'm coming right over.....
Maureen-That there is a story I want to hear more of. I lived on Haight Street in San Francisco in the late 70s and had an apartment that had not been repainted since the 60s. Every wall was a different color. I was appalled at the time (I'm no hippy). But now I live in a house where every, is a different color. I'm still no hippy though. Ha ha ha.
Best wishes to your new home and your new critter friends. That racoon knows a soft touch when he sees one. Yup--lotta paper plates.
Sometimes my living arrangements in NYC have been more, shall we say, rustic than they were in the woods. I currently have a mouse problem and I'm convinced that cockroaches will out live us all. It's easy to forget that Manhattan is part of Gaia after all.
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