Saturday, July 11, 2009
When the going gets tough...
..the not so tough get sewing.
This land purchase thing has had me in a serious funk. One thing I've learned is that proceeding with courage takes a lot less thinking than proceeding with doubt. And of course, doubt is the approach I have chosen. I keep trying to snap out of it but since I haven't figured out how to do that yet, I pulled out the sewing machine. I'm not happy with anything I've been sewing but at least I can get some input from Violet when it comes to sewing problems. And the financial problems? I've been following her advice on that one too...just take an 18 hour nap. As many naps as it takes.

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Well, I've always held that a nap solves everything. And I hope you are able to enjoy your new property soon;)
There you are, was wondering what was up. Change is scary, especially when moving or money are involved, but you're right about making it harder on yourself, so try to relax and enjoy planning how to decorate the new place, which so much more fun than regretting it.
It seems like I have some catching up to do. I wasn't aware that this was going on. I believe in a good nap, too. But too many naps is very no good.
Naps are good!
Sorry to hear you're still in a bit of a funk about your purchase. Hopefully it won't be long before you're able to fully enjoy that lovely bit of land you have.
Ps. I'm still jealous!
Violet offers some very good advice! That's the approach we'd take:)
well dear I like your approach and I'm not knocking naps however they accomplish little as they can become a means of avoidance. I used to do that and still do on occaison. I like the sewing idea though I tried sewing a craft doll back in the 80's which had a gussett in it's head to make it look more porportioned and carefully managed to sew its leg to the gussett. I promptly threw it up on a shelf where it remained for some 2 years. A simple remembrance of why I got a "D" in Home Ec. It may not seem as such but I can tell the property is growing on you - I think you will grow to love it. Write about Stella please, I miss hearing about her antics.
Dawn-I'll try and write something about Stella tomorrow. She's been doing a lot of sleeping too.....something she loves to do if she gets to do it in the medicine cabinet (which is what she's doing this very minute).
A doll with a foot attached to its head????? Did you see Mental P Mama's recent fashion post about the runway models with a shoe on their heads? You had something there and didn't even know it.
T&C-Violet is outside passed out on the glider. Not sure what problems she's working out because she looks like she's in total bliss. I don't think I looked like that.
Wonk-I'm finally over the frets and regrets!!!! Woo hoo! Now I just need to get a better camera to chase down all my new photographic subjects. :-) Thanks for the jealousy comment. I'm not sure why that makes me feel better but it kind of does. :-)
Kate-Noted. And I agree. I had waaaaay too many naps and I knew it was because I wanted to escape the stress but gosh, naps sure are great. :-)
Maureen-Yeah, I'm finally back. I just didn't post anything to the blog because nothing i tried to write about was very interesting. And who wants read about total freak outs? I sure don't. It's nice to be missed. :-) Means a lot.
Mental-I'm enjoying it now and am wondering why the heck I put myself through all of that. Sheesh.
we must be long lost cousins...naps & sewing have always been my coping mechanism too! it's exciting maria...can't wait to see how this all evolves...hang in there!
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