Late May...

Sarah says it's a good thing I got to see the land in a season other than spring...that other season known as the growing season! The real weeds are now three times as tall as baby Rex.

So you need someone tall to get you through them.

I have a lot of mowing ahead of me. A lot.
Because this property has been inspected by Rex and has been approved.
Rex-approved! He's one smart cookie :)
That's quite a green explosion there - do you really need to mow though? Surely you could just take Michael Ray along and he'll flatten the lot in no time ;)
Beautiful! And I agree, Michael Ray will have it all cleared out in no time....
I agree, get Michael Ray out there, and I'm glad to hear you're happy about the land now.
I love the idea of FINALLY taking advantage of what Michael Ray is compelled to do every summer. Who knew that one day I could look at that turtle and see what he did as a talent and something I actually needed? Ha ha ha. Excellent thinking guys. :-)
Yeah, it's been 24 hours and I'm still happy about the land. FINALLY. Those turtles are going to have a great time once I find a good safe spot for them out there. :-)'re one gutsy lady! i love the land...i envision you & your menagerie in a yurt & all happy as clams!
Gina-Oh yeah, yurt living and happy as a clam. You know me, right? Ha ha ha. You'll have to come out once the place gets a little better groomed.
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