Tuesday, September 2, 2008

A little turtle drama before 9 am on a Tuesday morning

It was a beautiful morning. I was unaware that something had happened between Michael Ray and Cathy Jean after I had served them their breakfast.

Michael was mad about something because I found him on the deck steps ready to knock over what was left of the petunia. He was mad about something. Mad. There's a cold front coming in tonight so I thought maybe he was thinking he wanted to come indoors a little early.

No. He was mad about something else,  just wanted to let me know. It was up to me to figure out what it was.

So I brought him a fresh homegrown diced tomato, absolutely his favorite thing to eat. Maybe that would put him out of his bad temper. 

"This is deeeeee-lish!"

"Hmmmm....but should I save some for Cathy?"

"Aw heck, she'll never know I got another tomato or two this morning. Heh heh heh."

"I hate him. I hate him. He just walked by and took all my tomato off my plate. All of it. You can't even tell I had a tomato.  I wanted that tomato so bad. I dreamed about that tomato all night and what do I have now? Stupid cubed carrots. I just (sniff) hate him so much."

Well, I figured out what was up and brought Cathy Jean out another tomato. Unfortunately, even though she was on the other side of the yard, it didn't take long for Michael to figure out what was going on. He was over there in no time flat to help her finish it.


Anonymous said...

i like......

Mental P Mama said...

This is an amazing place you have...

Maria said...

MP Mama-Aw thanks. I try every year with lots of hope for the perfect garden but you know, turtle traffic changes all of that. This is the first year where I just put everything in a pot. Even the hostas. Selective cropping of photos really helps with the illusion that things are under control too you know. ;-)