After tromping through the forest with the retriever mix and the two black dogs, the retriever mix wanted her two new friends to meet a dog she knew...

Maybe she lived with this dog, maybe it was just a friend. All I know is that after spending an afternoon with her, she is one friendly dog who really gets around.

The two black dogs were unsure about this. I have a feeling they were told they were not allowed to cross streets so this required a lot of thinking and testing.
...and reassurance.
That other dog got impatient and just took it upon himself to cross over to their side.

And then back again. Okay, that street crossing thing could be done. They had just seen it with their own eyes.

And off they went.
Looks like everyone "nose" each other now. All because of Miss Social Retriever. And if you don't "nose" her yet?

She'll come over and get ya.
Great little vignette, there's a lesson in it somewhere.
How very sweet. Hope all the dogs found their way back to their homes.
Maureen-I don't know what the lesson is, just that when Meg and I go out there again, we're bringing treats.
TSannie-I hope those dogs found their way home too. I don't have a dog but every dog person I've talked to says that dogs have excellent noses and not to worry, they'll find their way home. Those dogs were sweet. I was worried about them getting back too.
You all really are the Pied Pipers of the canine world!
Well - a very helpful retriever - she has a tour guide's soul...
nice photos
We wonder how those woofies feel about cats?
This blog has gone to the dogs!
(I am channeling your turtle housemates).
Kate-HA ha. Yes, this blog has most definitely gone to the dogs. I just keep thinking of them. You're so lucky to have that George but you know that. :-)
Tristan and Crikey-Not to worry. I have a feeling that dog rounds up some cats for visits now and then too. She was an excellent hostess.
Barb-Doesn't she? That dog was something special.
Mental-Meg is the Pied Piper of dogs, not me. At one point the two of us split up to see which trail was faster to get to a certain point and when she took off, all three dogs went with her... but one of the dogs did look back at me. :-/
it's ok maria...somehow they knew you were really a bird & turtle person. i wouldn't take it personally!
I ♥ your dogstory, and esp. the photo's.
My worry: do the dogs have owners?
I do hope you write more about them if you see them again.
...imnsho, I think it is careless (using an understatement) of the owners (if these dogs have owners) to let their dogs stroll around the countryside.
So many (bad) Things could happen to them, or done by them...
Gina- I'm not going to take it too personally since I think Meg had some Cheez-its in her pocket. :-)
Violet-All those dogs had collars and were obviously well loved. Although they were not confined to a fenced yard (hard to do when everyone's "yard" in the area is at least 10 acres), they all pretty much stayed in the "yards" where they lived. Aussie, the retriever mix, felt compelled to cross the street and see what we were up to but would then return home after she had played enough with us. Those two black dogs were happily in their unfenced backyard when, while exploring the woods, Aussie found them and made them join us in on our walk. I'm sure they would have stayed put if not for Aussie. The area is also very rural. Not a lot of traffic. We actually had to stop for a large snake who was crossing the street when we were driving home. He was observing the speed limit too. :-)
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