And I have got to get a more powerful camera soon because it was hard to grab pictures of skinks...
...and little green frogs, both of whom bolted away pretty fast as soon as they saw what I was up to...
But then we were joined by a very sweet country dog...

Hmmm...I'm not sure about the "guide" part because we all got lost together. Our new friend discovered two new dogs when we finally got to an area where we could see daylight. I don't think she had ever met these two dogs before because there was a lot of noise coming from the three of them while they were working things out. Our guide, being part retriever, eventually "retrieved" her two new dogfriends from the other side of the creek. Meg and I now had three dogs to guide us. Meg said we were the Pied Pipers of dogs.
So off we went and there was lots of tumbling and muzzle grabbing and running and rolling, and maybe a few pets...
It was a fun day for everyone...

Oh to be a dog on a Spring stroll....
Those dogs were great. I'm ready to go out there and start the whole thing again. They were the sweetest, sweetest things. When we sat down to rest, one of them just leaned in and put his head across my shoulder and gave me some dog kisses. Aw, just loved them.
I've never seen a skink! Dogs know how to have fun, don't they?!
That skink was supposed to have a blue tail but he was too fast for me to see it.
And those dogs were the best. They DID have a lot of fun. And it was fun to watch them while they all stood in one of the creeks to see how deep it was (not very, but we didn't know until the dogs jumped in there). Just a fabulous day. :-)
You are the Pied Piper of Animals. Nice stroll - hope you didn't find any belated ticks.
Barb-Apparently I'm the Pied Piper of Ticks too. I woke up the next morning with THREE of them on me (eeeeeugh).
Sorry to read about the ticks: eeeugh!
We have them in our garden, and the hedgehogs are full of them (so awfull), when I see them on the stray cats I can remove them (luring the cats inside in the small hall, so they can't run away untill I'm done), but I'm soooooooo glad I've never had one on me or on the other humans living here.
brrrrrrrrr, I realy hate ticks, and here they are dangerous because they can infect others (animals and humans) with a nasty discease.
(I don't know if thats also so in the States? be carefull)
~~~~~~~~~~> I'm of to read your next dog story :o)
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