This picture of Michael was taken by Eric in 2000. I had never seen this angle before---I had only seen Michael from the other side of the door when I was making dinner in the kitchen. I'd look over and see Michael "Don't you try and tell me no" Ray on his hind legs trying to get into the house either in search of catfood that wasn't eaten or to get to his beloved chairs to move around. Look at those little elephant legs all stretched out. One more push and he's through. If you carefully look at the screen door, you can see that the door (or hole) that Michael created follows the shape of his shell exactly. Check out the width of the screen door, Michael is about the width of half of it. That's a big turtle and that was eight years ago. The screen has since been replaced and Michael's too big to fit through that part of the door now anyway but he can still pull himself up and dream. Actually, turtles don't dream, they plan. Actually, turtles don't plan, they just keep doing something over and over until they get what they're determined to get. They don't care if it takes them the rest of their lives. They've got the time. There's a lesson in there somewhere, I guess.
We sure can learn a lot from them...
Oh, I'd say patience would probably be the only thing. I'm not kidding. :-)
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