Today I visited the Overland Park Arboretum and Botanical Gardens in Kansas to learn how to identify the trees that are growing on that land o' mine. The terrain was nearly the same...

...and maybe carried a little more drama (look at those spiky branches going in all directions! Eeeeeee!)...

I glanced at this particular tree when I was on a trail and had to stop. Wait a minute, a tree with two trunks?
I brushed away some of the vines wrapped around the left trunk and noticed that this tree really had just one main one. I wonder what the story is behind that other trunk getting sawed off.
It sure looks naked standing there on one leg.
I'm reminded of an artist who puts underpants on trees. If this tree was standing around on my land, I definitely would have to do the same thing. Ha ha ha.

Oi! A lot could be read into those trunks (and tighty whiteys :D). Self destructive spikes; shaggy creepy like Ents; a pirate on on leg "Arrrgh kill the white whale, Matey." Trees have a lot of personality. (amputree--hehe)
That's a hilarious name for that tree. And how weird is that?
"Amputree" - too, too funny!
Oh Leenie. You took it one step further (guess you can't take two steps if you only have one leg)....a naked one-legged pirate. Ha ha HA.
Kate-I KNOW. I will have to find someone who works there who can tell me the story about that tree with the missing trunk. It was just there, right on the trail, covered up with ivy and dying weeds...there HAS to be a story, don't you think?
Aunt Ellyn-I was pretty proud of myself with that one. I kept laughing about it on the drive home which is a good thing because otherwise I would have completely forgotten about it. :-/ I blame old age or Norwegianism.
Very clever. I like that you wanted to name the tree. I like the name you came up with even better. I'd be curious though, to see just how you'd manage to get the undies on the tree. ;)
The tree with one leg, umm one trunk cut away is strange. I love checking out trees and seeing what they are. We have a book that helps but sometimes we are still slow to figure it out. We love our trees and give them descriptive names! Amputree! :) I am heading to the library today for Squirrels at My Window. Thanks for the tip.
Amputree? Hahahahahaha!
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