I just have that feeling............and why?
One overturned pot (and not a small one, that pot is 14 inches wide at the top)...

Two overturned pots (a little smaller but definitely not a lightweight one)...

And a turtle-wide trail that goes right through the middle of some growing plants. The turtles could have walked on the grass just beside all those plants but no, those pots ready to be overturned in the immediate distance were too compelling.

You're right, there's definitely a look of "yeah, I did that...but wotcha gonna do about it?" in that face, hehe.
Bless ;)
Maybe Violet should go on guard duty!
Or Stella.
They are incapable of stealth, leaving those wide turtle tracks.
Wonk-You got that right. That's his expression for almost anything he does.
T&C-I'll suggest that to her. Ha ha ha. Might not turn out the way I want though. When Violet was a kitten, she liked to stand on Michael's back while he strolled around the backyard. Wish I had a picture of that. It was cute.
Maureen-She does her best when he's inside the house. Michael doesn't hear her screaming at him though.
Kate-Almost all the time when I check on them in the backyard, the two of them are in their favorite spot by the kerria shrub. However, if I haven't mowed in a while, it is the funniest thing to see all the turtle-wide paths that go across the yard when they're busy during the day. I know they entertained the roofers who were working next door when the turtles would come out of hiding during the day and decide to "run" across the yard. Stealth. Ha ha ha. Not likely. Ever.
Goodness - I would never have guessed a turtle could looks so smug! He's not even trying to be sneaky - "just do it" is apparently his motto!
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