Because when it gets hot outside, you know what turtles do...

They get going.

And we're off!
To get through, on and around the peonies...and as fast as possible.
Take a loop around the rose bush...

Push, push, push...

And we're through! continue the figure eight to the other side of the trampled peonies...
...flattening those remaining pesky peonies to the ground.

Almost home...

A few more steps...

...and just one lap around the kerria shrub before it's time do it all over again...

...for hours. However long it takes to get those darn peonies out of the way.

But sometimes you need a short watermelon break.

It's hard work but very satisfying to one turtle when he gets it all done.

And if a turtle has to do something, he's going to do it. This is the year where I finally gave up protecting the peonies and maybe both of us will be the better for it. That's what I'm hoping. :-/
LOL. I wish he'd come do my cardio for me;) And I think you peony plan is perfect....
The last photo is superb. You'll probably live longer with the "if you can't beat 'em. . . " attitude!
I hope you were just sitting nearby sipping a cool drink with an umbrella in it snapping those photos! :)
Whew! That wore us out!
I see it's all about compromise. That should be my word for the week.
I think you're wise to give up on the peonies there. Or is there somewhere else you can put them?
An interesting and lovely post. The pictures are wonderful. I'm looking forward to knowing this turtle better.
Actually, Peonies probably like being trampled and abused - Michael Ray knows that and is helping. They'll be even more lush and beautiful next year...
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