Vince drew this little sketch ages ago. When I saw that blue penguin on the right babystepping across the 3x5, I had to have it. Vince was nice and let me keep it. Why post this? Because I'm freezing. Freezing. It is so darn cold out there. I can easily imagine penguins skittering across the backyard, hitting a fence and then skittering in the opposite direction. Brrrr.
Seriously. Are the turtles getting restless yet?
Seriously. Yes. I can hear them scraping the sides of their stock tanks right now trying to get out because they know spring is going to happen soon. Maybe it's happening right now. I just can't tell because everything is covered with snow. :-/
Spring is NEVER coming! NEVER!
TS-I think it is. A warm front came into KC today, a lot of the snow melted and get this.....tomorrow it's supposed to be 75 degrees. Hopefully the same thing will happen in your part of the country in the next couple days. <:-)
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