Saturday, March 14, 2009

Thank you to one kind squirrel

I went outside today to check on the backyard and saw two perfect white crocuses in bloom, crocuses I had not planted. Somebody, I'm assuming squirrel (definitely not turtle), replanted a few bulbs from someone else's yard in this area and I have to say thank you because I needed to see something pure and beautiful and perfect today.


Mental P Mama said...

I wish I could train mine to be so nice.

Country Girl said...

Oh, thank you for sharing this! It's just beautiful.

abb said...

Now I'm gonna hafta start liking the little buggers!
Beautiful crocus capture.

Anonymous said...

I always love unexpected surprises!

Barb said...

Could Stella have planted it? I remember her being very talented! The picture is a pure and lovely delight.

Maria said...

Hey everybody, thank you for your nice comments about my crocus photo. :-)

And as for the squirrels, they surprise me with something every now and then, just not very often. I think one of my other favorite squirrel surprise stunts was looking up at the branches of my elm tree and way, way, way at the top, two little lemons were set on a large horizontal branch. It was a simple and elegant statement. A regular Martha Squirrelart.

And Barb, something nice from Stella?????? Oh, puh-leeze. Yes, Stella is talented but she is not nice. >:-/