More like Spring has put on its brakes.
Look at this. My backyard now has sno-cone crabapple buds...

...sno-cone kerria buds (and they were just about to open up!)...
...sno-cone tulips...
...which really do look like sno-cones when you look at them from above...
...sno-cone vinca...

...and Eli doing a pretty good job of escaping from being a sno-cone cat...but in a descriptive word borrowed from Peter M, not escaping from being a cat-sicle.

Yes - join the club. I hate to tell you that the blooming flowers and blossoms on any trees will be dead as a doornail if your temps get cold - this is what happened in Denver. Too bad! Flip flops, huh? On the other hand, your icy pictures are very pretty.
Yeah, I picked the rest of the daffodil buds just in case but as for the tree flowers....well, we'll see what happens tomorrow. I don't think it will get below freezing for more than a couple hours tonight, if that, so hopefully..... <:-)
That slushy snow sure was pretty when it was coming down though. Just looked odd when combined with those poor blooming flowers and buds.
And she is right;)
Try to stay warm, Eli!
The news said we were supposed to get a bunch of snow this weekend, but when I got back to town, there was no sign of it. I was very happy.
Hey- I would love it if you would like to view my blog. I have made it private.
Mental-I got all JFN today and went outside in the snow in my flipflops. Just for two minutes though, then I ran right back into the house. Brrrr.
Tristan and Crikey-now that's a team. I think Eli managed to find a good place to stay warm. It was 60 or so today so that wasn't the problem. The melting and falling chunks of snow were.
Shara-I JUST sent you an email. Glad you missed the snow but maybe it snowed where you were and then quickly melted away? That's what's going on here.
I hope the weather begins to get warmer for you. It's beautiful and sunny here but the winds are wild. And I have no idea what JFN means. I feel deprived somehow.
Those are some really pretty pictures, love the vibrant colours peeping out through the sno, snow!
I was looking for some nice blogs to cite as example of the wonderful diversity that can be found when I stumbled over yours - the turtle connection certainly piqued my curiousity! :)
Kate-read the next post down about what "JFN" means. :-)
Wonk (what a great name!)-Welcome to my blog. Get prepared for a lot of turtle stories starting in about a month when they get to spend a lot of time outdoors. Tragic, sad stories for everyone involved EXCEPT the turtles. :-)
Haha! Looking forward to it Maria :)
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