Portrait of a dandelion with Stella approaching in the background...

And now a portrait that is equal parts Stella and dandelion...
Both of them are equally bad. Both of them. Don't be fooled by their sweet and innocent looks because they're both.......baaaaaaaaaaad.
You could never use the words gracious or polite to describe either one of them because they both come from bad seeds.(I'm not sure if you can tell from the tone of this post but I'm a little miffed with Stella's behavior tonight. She's having a timeout right now because she was trying to overturn the vases that are holding the daffodils I picked two days ago. Errrrrrgh. Bad.).
Oh that Stella is so naughty;)
Well...the first photo is really lovely...before it was Stellaized.
When I was in my first year of college, I had a class in which the instructor asked us what flower we thought we would want to be and why. (I know, just what kinda hippy class/school was I in, right?- a private conservative religious school... weird...) I said I saw myself as a dandilion- pretty, misunderstood and a flower w/ a deep, strong root.
Mental-oh yes, Stella's naughty but only on her good days.
TSannie-Hahahahahahahahahahahaha!!!!!! There are a LOT of things in this house that have been Stella-ized. Even me!
Shara-Aw, what a nice description of a dandelion (and you!). I kind of think of dandelions as freckles in the landscape until they take over later in the summer. Then they're bad. Stubborn, devious and bad. Just like Stella. But not like you. :-)
Don't be angry at Stella - sometimes it's good to be bad.
Barb-Oh, I'm not angry at Stella. I'm just resigned to witnessing her evil. She can't help it. And I'd write more about Eddiebird if she wasn't so darn good every day. So I agree with you there, bad is always good when it comes to subject matter for writing. :-)
Aw, c'mon! She's not bad, just mizundastood, like the flowering weed!
This is great. Clever about the bad seeds, too!!
I will own up to the occasional "stubborn and devious"... :-)
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