Saturday, June 6, 2009

Oh that Michael again...

Today I was busy potting up plants and while doing that, I kept running in and out of the house in search of everything I kept forgetting to bring outdoors...the pots, the bulbs, etc. Lots of back and forth. I finally had everything I needed and was sitting on the deck steps potting up something when I realized that Michael had appeared from somewhere and was giving me a look. A long look. And once he knew I had finally seen him, he stomped off.

I knew what that look meant. That was a late afternoon tomato request. So I went indoors to get him one...

...and here is an action shot of him racing back to get at it.

And in just a few seconds, complete satisfaction. Michael Ray loves his tomatoes.

And I love to watch turtles eat.

Turtles however, don't like it when I do that. But because Michael Ray had a really good tomato in front of him, there was too much enjoyment on his part to even think of hiding from me. I watched until he had enough of his tomato and then enough of me.

And then he was off...probably to find Cathy Jean so he could gloat.


abb said...

I never thought a turtle could be adorable...but Michael Ray a turtlish sort of way...

Country Girl said...

His life as a prince.

This is priceless.

Mental P Mama said...

He is too cute!

Maria said...

I was surprised at his cuteness yesterday too because those feelings, when it comes to Michael, are RARE. I might go out and get him some watermelon today because that's another one of his favorites. Mine too. :-)

Anonymous said...

Uh, we'll have a tuna. Thanks!

Maria said...

T&C-You guys make me laugh out loud every single time.

Barb said...

I'll never be able to eat a tomato again without thinking of Michael Ray...

Maria said...

Barb-Just don't try and eat a tomato like Michael, okay?