A couple weeks ago I took a full week off from work and although I had plans to get a lot of things done (a lot!), I ended up just sitting on the deck, knitting, with all my pets around me, in glorious weather......alllllllll week........every day. It was great. Everyone immediately got into the rhythm of being served treats on demand, they just had to get my attention.
A good staredown from a turtle first thing in the morning....

...resulted in watermelon before breakfast.

So I obliged by getting m o r e.

She's not as calculating and determined as Michael and (lucky for me) decided to just settle in at the bottom and watch her brother climb up the steps until he disappeared from her sight.

And those potted plants near the deck steps, which I thought were too tall for him to get at, are also now being used as steps to get up and steps to get down when a turtle runs out of room.

Michael had been adamant about getting into the house even though I didn't understand why because it really hadn't been that hot outside (it's different this past week though.....it's been in the 100s every single day). Michael obviously had other thoughts about weather than I did. Turtles are cold blooded and when it gets hot, they need to find some place cool to cool down and Michael Ray knows all about houses and how they have air conditioning. I think he knew that it was going to get hot, really hot, and he needed to find a place to camp out until it changed to a temperature that a turtle considers pleasant.
So I gave up and just let him in. It was too pretty a day for me to spend it indoors so I closed the door and stayed outside sitting on the deck, knitting, with all of my animals around me except for one named Michael Ray.
I started hearing sounds coming from inside the house....the usual ones when there is a turtle loose in the house. Furniture being moved, chairs transferred to other rooms, and then some unusual sounds like trash cans being turned over, things falling....crashing. I went inside to see what was going on but couldn't find Michael in his usual spots....despite him leaving a trail of destruction where he had been (which he does so well). I saw that the bathroom door was shut and when I tried to open it, Michael was on the other side pushing back. Smart thinking. Tile floor and a vent blasting cold air and he was not going to share....Michael had settled in and he was not going to move if he could help it. Ever.
Now when I came home from work (after putting Michael outside in the morning) this is what I see...

What can you do? I just open the back door and let Michael in. No point in trying to fight that kind of determination. I can't win. I try.......but I never win when it's me against one focused turtle.
Watching a turtle expertly climb those steps and help himself into the house is really something else to watch...

He now knows how to climb up the steps and if I'm not there to open the door, he knows how to climb back down. It's gotten to the point where I just leave the back door open when I'm home. He's worse than Violet with the wanting out and wanting in when he's near a door.
I've got to watch this open door policy when it starts to get dark at night though......... last Sunday Eddie and Violet were nodding at something in the living room. I thought it was Stella. It wasn't. It was a bat hanging on the drapes. It flew out the back door after a couple minutes after bonking my head and Eddie's while it screamed its little head off trying to figure out how to get out. I didn't know bats were so darn loud when they used their sonar (!!!) but I finally got him out and shut the door. And then......another bat appeared in the house. :-/
Terrible happens in twos....just like turtles.
Not everyone has a story like THAT to tell. You have such unusual and interesting roommates. It sounds like they know you'll share your supply of rolypoliess and your cool bathroom tile floor. Not everyone would do that. And not everyone would so calmly escort bat visitors outside when they get lost in the drapes. People who are freaked out by animals miss SO much! Loved the post.
That was the most awesome post ever!
I love Micheal Ray!
WOW Maria what a bunch of wonderful to read! I saw pictures of every ONE that I have been wondering about but YOU! Fun post! I have missed you! That turtle is too funny.
Leenie-I always look forward to your comments. :-) Regarding those bats...they did freak me out because I didn't know where they came from or how long they had been in the house! I decided to blame the back slightly open door where there is a porch light that attracts delicious insects....the alternative is that they came in from somewhere else and I know I will never find that secret opening....too many in this old house. So, even though I was a bit freaked, I knew the first bat was even more alarmed. Luckily he figured out where the back door was after a few passes over my head and Eddie's. I took Violet in for a rabies booster the next day just in case. :-/ The second bat had knocked itself out but when I checked on him a half hour after putting him outdoors, he was gone. I'm going to assume he's okay. Yes. I certainly do enjoy animals and their weird behavior and personalities...wish I could be as entertained and as tolerant with some people, you know???? :-)
Donna-Aw, thanks. I spent a long time writing that post...only because when I thought I had finished up the story....Michael was onto a new chapter of badness. Still is. I have another post that should be up tonight....
Pix-You forgot about Stella Fullahella! She doesn't pose well for cameras so I edited her out. Turtles are bad enough but Stella is so bad, she needs her own separate posts! I've been thinking about you too. Two months I've been away from the blog. Sheesh. That's a personal best. How you been doing? Is it disgustingly furnace hot on the east side of the state too?????
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