I discovered sedges and rushes this year and earnestly tried to identify what I've seen growing but even when they bloom....I still don't know. This might be a Bottle-brush sedge (Carex hystericina) but I really don't know.

I know this is Bur sedge (Carex grayi)...
...because the tag says so.
I haven't found any Bur sedges yet but I did see a lot of Sensitive ferns growing in a drainage ditch...looking beautiful...and protected from me because they were growing in an area where that snapper has been seen.But this plant has had me stumped for over a year. I've never seen it at a garden center and I have not seen it on any wildflower ID site. It grows in an area where a garden used to be...and along the creek bank...and sometimes in the creek. It has a purposeful presence and looks very handsome wherever it grows. Insects don't seem to mess with it. I was hoping it might be related to a toad lily because the foliage just looked like something spectacular was going to happen when it flowered...if I could ever catch it in flower.

Which I did this year...and it was pitiful.

And if a bobwhite quail ever waddles by, they consider the seeds of Deer-Tongue grass a very good snack. That's what I know for now and it doesn't seem like all that much.
It seems you have much to tell about Maria. I am thankful you know and are up close and able to identify so many plants. Even when I google I become all befuddled but I know I can come to you and you will know, usually the plant with no name.
The heat and humidity is wearing me down.
Pix-Oh I try. Some of those photos in books and on the internet are just so BAD for identification. Now if I was the photographer....heh heh heh, that would be my dream job actually.
The fire-on-the mountain (Euphorbia cyathophora) you gave me is still in a pot but looking beautiful. It hasn't started turning red though. No fire yet, I guess. I'm just happy it's alive though because the squirrels kept taking it out of the pot and throwing it in the pond or throwing it in the middle of the yard. They really took a dislike to that thing for some reason.
Today is really going to be up in the 100s. The turtles have been surprisingly good this past week but I might come from work at lunch and put them in the house to cool off. This heat is bad for everyone and every turtle out there. :-(
I don't know how you do it, Maria. And to find out that plant is a grass! I think it's interesting that it's gourmet food for bobwhites.
please take an award for you, invite to my blog:-)
this sedge you don't know what a species it is- if it would grow in Europe, I would say it is Carex vesicaria or C. rostrata. I knew it was Panicum! ha! Please come back to me and read the cross- coment:-)
Megi-You are amazing. Maybe that mystery sedge could be Carex versicaria. They do look similar! This plant identification thing is a slow process with me and I have a feeling you're an expert. :-) You knew that deer-tongue grass was a Panicum? Once again, you are amazing.
Kate-Identifying plants is a lonnnnng process for me. It would help if I took a botany course so I could at least break things down into their smaller common parts...but you know what? I think in the future I'll just ask Megi. Hahaha.
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