I was off to Kansas and while I drove, I watched the clouds line up in rows in front of me.

Usually when I drive to Kansas the clouds get bigger and the sun gets brighter but for some reason when I got out there, everything had turned to gloom, if not something downright oppressive.

But if I just turned 90 degrees, I could choose to look at a completely different weather situation.

It was sunny. And then it was not. And even though it was around 2 pm, the shadows started to get long.

And then they were gone again.

I heard a "screeee....screeee...screeeeeeeeeeeeee" and looked for the hawk. There were two. I watched them circle the sky in one area where it was overcast and gloomy, then they moved to another part of the sky that looked like a storm was in the works, and much later I saw them in another part of the sky that turned cloudy but was still sunny. Interesting that there were two hawks patrolling the large area together. A couple months ago I had seen two nests in two trees that grew near each other. I don't know much about the behavior of hawks but I wonder if these two hawks are a mother and daughter. Maybe they're a pair. I don't know. One more thing to research.

I'm always looking for signs of spring when the snow melts at this time of year even though I know it's way too early to hope for much, if anything. But since I found daffodils popping up in my yard in Missouri, maybe something was popping up in that land of mine in Kansas. I didn't see any growth coming up from the ground, but I did find buds. Lots of them, too.
I think this is a forsythia.

This might be a forsythia too...

And uh, maybe
this is the forsythia bush I photographed two months ago...

I am just going to have to be patient to confirm what all of these buds are because I know there are only two forsythia out there but apparently there are more than two shrubs that want to bloom.

When I go back in the next couple weeks I'm going to cut a lot of the budded branches and force their bloom indoors. Maybe then I can figure out which buds belong to a forsythia and which buds belong to.........oh heck, probably even more forsythia.
Oh it really doesn't matter. It's just happiness to see something persevere despite the cold blasts of winter. Makes me feel hopeful that I'll survive it too.
Maria your land is very pretty. I am a touch envious of your natural water feature there. I think that I would love to sit on that rock shelf and stare at the sky! Play in the water too.
I never tire of our walks here....I love to force forsythia!
It's pouring and 50 here, if that helps.
Circling hawks. Not much like that here...yet. I miss them and the flowers. At this time of year in "siberia" it is so hard to be patient.
Always a treat to see hawks. And your blog posts. :)
We gotta run for cover because hawks have been known to steal cats! Yikes!
Pix-I'm looking forward to that too! For some reason I never stuck my feet in the water last summer...probably because I'm not sure what sort of squishy thing I'd step on since there are fish, crayfish, frogs and...I know they're there but have not seen them yet...turtles, probably the snapping kind. That one huge flat rock in the middle is a lot of fun to stand on and watch the water gurgle by (and you can keep your shoes dry at the same time).
Maureen-Yeah, here too except last night it turned to snow again. A very manageable inch or so.
Leenie-They were very cool. I thought they were a somewhat migratory bird but apparently not.
Hilary-Aw, thanks. I love watching those hawks too. Got to see them navigate the area for an hour or so.
T&C-I know! There was a hawk flying around above us one day and Violet got smart, got real low to the ground, and hid under the car until it flew away.
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