...and yellow forsythia. I'm calling it spring since the landscape is sprinkled with yellow today. :-) And although Easter isn't until next month, it's still a spring event so I thought I'd pull out some of my Easter postcards.
Easter bunnies and Easter eggs have always been a confusing combination. I'm not quite sure what is being suggested here... <:-/

The neighbor kid that lived next door to us when we were growing up believed that bunnies hatched from eggs and never thought to question that concept until he reached the sixth grade. I guess I can understand the confusion... but sixth grade?

Well, this postcard is confusing too. It explains where the bunnies are getting their eggs but what is with that mother hen serving eggs to her visiting rabbit neighbor and her kids as well as serving eggs to her own kids? That's just wrong.

That baby rabbit is pretty darn cute though.

And it looks like human kids and rabbits are not as good at sharing as chickens are with their eggs. I don't know who stole the basket from who but those rabbits mean business. Watch it, kid.

It's probably easiest for absolutely everyone involved to just not bring up the confusing subject of Easter eggs and the rabbits that
don't lay them. Just let Easter bunnies pick their own way of celebrating Easter and the arrival of spring (in a Santa suit with a carriage pulled by june bugs!). :-)

As always, click on the images if you want to see bigger views of them.