But dang, the numbers they come up with are so darn entertaining......so um, I confess, I could not WAIT to follow the Drama Queen weather site from the get-go this morning to see what their final "count up" would be by the end of the day. Forget about the regular news for a record-breaking weather day like today. Sometimes a dramatic day needs a dramatic news service to accurately report the.....emotions? It certainly would not be temperature.
The morning started in the mid-90s. Drama Queen and the regular weather stations were pretty similar with their heat measurement numbers. By noon it was getting hot.....hotter....and then the numbers started taking off. It got to be 100...it soon got to 105....and then it stayed that way. Was that it? Sure, 105 degrees is hot, but it did not seem like a record breaking number..........but then, Drama Queen's numbers started to shoot up, up, and up. What was going to be that final number? Would it be 108....109.....110......111..........
113.9 (but feels like 110)???????
The morning started in the mid-90s. Drama Queen and the regular weather stations were pretty similar with their heat measurement numbers. By noon it was getting hot.....hotter....and then the numbers started taking off. It got to be 100...it soon got to 105....and then it stayed that way. Was that it? Sure, 105 degrees is hot, but it did not seem like a record breaking number..........but then, Drama Queen's numbers started to shoot up, up, and up. What was going to be that final number? Would it be 108....109.....110......111..........
113.9 (but feels like 110)???????

I told Dick about this not disappointing but absolutely crazy temperature reading (after we had to evacuate the building for a fire of all things!) and so Dick thought he'd check his favorite (and boringly truthful) weather site to see what was really going on...and his site was not too far off from what I was seeing on mine.
But then my favorite weather service reported this...
Dick said his favorite weather service reported this...
Well, by that point, the temperature had climbed past 117 or 190, depending on who you do or don't believe and I remembered that Michael Ray was in the backyard and thought I better beat it home before he spontaneously combusted or something.
I got home. Michael Ray was fine. Resistant actually, to being moved. I carried his kicking body into the house and set him down on the floor and he started pacing....taking a living room chair with him....knocking it down. And then he walked to the back door to let me know he wanted it open so he could get out. I pretended not to know what he wanted. He stomped into the bedroom, started pushing a plant stand, knocked it down, and then stomped back to the back door. Errrgh. I had had enough of him so I put him back outside in the inferno and let him settle down in his new favorite spot to hang out this summer....a place that Cathy Jean usually calls hers. And she would have been occupying that other favorite square foot area in the backyard if she was outdoors, but she wasn't. Cathy Jean spent the day indoors because she got tired of the heat the night before and when I saw her waiting at the bottom of the deck steps to be let in last night, I just let her take a day off from thinking about weather.
And there you have it, even turtles don't know what the real temperature is outdoors. One thinks it's too hot. One thinks it's just fine. And I think I'm going to stay away from that Drama Queen weather site....until maybe 6 months from now when I watch them enthusiastically and inaccurately report plunging temperatures well below zero. And you know, when they do that, I'll be sharing the same enthusiasm. :-)
It's still unbelievable to me (despite the heat) that a turtle will go to the door to be let out and in. And will show its frustration when ignored.
Maria if I don't know how hot it is, that is if all the dang weather peeps would stop telling me and I would stop listening I don't think I would be as miserable and would not have this weather cranky going on that I have. But yesterday was reedunkulous!!!!!!!!!!! I nearly passed out just walking from the porch to the wine time place to water my impatience. NO WINE WAS CONSUMED! Every time you talk about Michael Ray the picture you posted of him stomping down your hall taking a small table with him pops in my mind and I crack up!
Kate-Oh they quickly learn such things. It's the human that takes such a long time to figure out what they're trying to communicate. Turtles completely understand the concept of a hinge...that if you push on a weak area, it will eventually move what you want to move. They completely understand what a door is...a temporary closing of a good exit.
The next day, when I got home from work, I served Cathy Jean her dinner but left Michael's nearby because I didn't see him in the area. I searched the backyard but he had found a new secret spot. I came outside a couple minutes later and there he was at the bottom of the deck steps looking up with the expression, "Well, I saw you put down a plate for my sister, where's MINE?" I have never tried this before but I knew what he was thinking. I think anyone could have figured out what that turtle was thinking. I got down the steps and then started walking away slowly while waving my arms in a "come here" motion and.....he actually followed me. We walked around all my plants in pots that are filling up the backyard and into the primary favorite area by the Japanese kerria..... and he stomped his way after me because he knew a homegrown chopped tomato (who cares what else was on the plate) was waiting for him after he got to his final stomp. Even I was astonished with that interaction. I usually just get mean looks from him accompanied by a bolt in the opposite direction. The power of homegrown tomatoes I guess.
Pix. Now that is a saaaaaad story. No wine time???? None? Of course, it's two days later and what happened two days ago has already been forgotten because what was the temperature outside today? All I know is that it was under one hundred so life is back to normal again. Hope you've enjoyed a delayed, but much more appreciated that it happened at all, wine time.
Love a good turtle story, any thoughts on how to make a woodpecker stop knocking on my roof?
Maureen. I don't have the answer for that one. Sounds like there's something bugalicious being served up there.
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