It had been several weeks since I visited Aussie and her posse because of precipitation in all its forms...fog, rain, sleet, frozen rain, snow, name it. But when I got out there two Sundays ago (albeit kind of late in the day), it might as well have been raining because it was so darn gloomy.
The lingering snow from the past couple weeks had melted and had been carried swiftly down the creek, flattening the grass growing along the banks. It's amazing what just one foot of moving water can do. I remember one time driving past a golf course one day after a flash flood and didn't figure out until much later that all the pumpkins decorating the green were not placed there intentionally. The flash flood had found a stand of them somewhere and carried them onto the golf course and left them all shiny bright in what looked like a planned Halloween display.
After a big storm or snow melting period, I look for things that get carried down the stream. My catch of the day was this big bundle of electrical wire.

The "Hello Yellow" candy lily was a hesitant spot of green hiding behind its dried up old self.
A few seeds from that plant are starting to germinate in my bathroom window...

The Zizia aptera was coming up. I was excited to see that because I had planted these plants so late in the year. Zizia is a native wildflower that is a host plant for the Black Swallowtail caterpillar (you can't have butterflies if you don't feed the caterpillars).
The flower is a dainty and sparse umbel of bright yellow but the fragrance is incredible. Incredible. When I brought three little plants back from the Powell Gardens plant sale last spring, they scented up the car.
The surprise lilies were doing a very good job of coming up (the daffodils, however, were still sleeping in).

It looked like the forsythia waaaaay back there was just starting to turn yellow, or at least thinking about it.
When I was out there last Sunday, all the plants still looked about the same (the daffodils were putting more effort into coming up though). The woods looked the same too...just dried out brown wherever you looked.

Up the hill and over and down and across yet another creek, I finally saw the markers in the distance and also got to see something a little bit unusual for what was going on in the woods that day. The trees in that area wore lichen polka dots on them. Kind of took me by surprise. That polka dot on the bottom there almost looks like a peace sign. And as Meg pointed out, the tree behind it is actually making a peace sign!
Spring's happening but it's rather a somber one....despite dogs, polka-dotted trees, mooing cows and peace signs.
Spring gives us hope and teaches us MUCH patience.
Leenie-I didn't mean to be so gloomy but those constant grey skies just get to me. But yesterday, the first day of spring, the sky was a wonderful bright blue even though it was supposed to rain. I saw my first daffodils and the temperature was near 80. Yes, spring is all about hope and patience and as of yesterday, unfortunately...... ticks! Eeeeee. Hate those things.
It snowed here in Connecticut today. Sigh.
Good Morning Maria! We heard the begins with S and ends with W word for us later this week. I totally acted like I did not hear it. I would like a creek that actually had creek water in it instead of our mostly dry creek so I could get surprises from up-creek too!
Our Forsythia got all sneaky and popped when we were not looking. I did a happy dance right out there by them in the middle of the school house rocks! That pumpkin thing that happened on the golf course is funny!
We are hearing lots of moooooooing too. No surprise as we are surrounded by COWS!
Enjoy your day Maria! I think we are going to have a pretty one but storms are coming and I bet you get them first. I hope we all get none at all.
Mental-Surely that's the last of it................right????
Pix-I just emailed you and then forgot to respond to any of your comments so here goes....
Regarding those "presents" delivered downstream after falling rain and melting snow....remember last year when I pulled out half a lawn mower and someone's heavy metal and Marilyn Manson cd collection? A guy in the office described that as toxic waste!
Those forsythia sure go fast once they start. I used to sit next to a window with a hill of forsythia and they would bloom in one day and all of us could watch the color change by the hour. It was cool. The pumpkins were so odd because they were so clean.
I had never heard mooing cows out there until that one Sunday. An earnest moo sure can travel a long distance.
And uh, snow again? Dang.
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