Last Sunday I drove to that land in Kansas and discovered Surprise lilies (
Lycoris squamigera) in full bloom. I think if you could time it right, you could make popcorn and then eat it while all the Surprise lilies popped out of the ground with just as much speed. They sure are fast at doing what every other flower does at a much more sensible time of year.

I found them blooming by the creek too...that spot near the raccoon latrine. I had a suspicion that the crazy big leaves that were in that area this spring were not daffodils. I completely forgot about Surprise lilies. It's been a long time since I've grown any. Turtles, you know.

The jewelweed (
Impatiens pallida) was still in bloom. Nothing new there.

Nearby were the
Mimulus alatus (sharpwing monkeyflower). This is the first time I've ever seen it and it was blooming in all sorts of places...even in the creek.

Two weeks ago when I visited the land, I was anxious to get out there because it had been raining so much. I thought that the day after Saturday's really big deluge, I would be able to witness something amazing. When I saw the creek the next day on Sunday, it was the driest I had ever seen it. When I was out there this past Sunday, the creek was even drier.

A little frog (he's right in the middle there) that should have been hiding in or near water...

...was out on a big flat rock giving me a staredown.

I'm not sure what it is about some frogs, but if you look at them and then blink, they turn 90 degrees before you open your eyes again. They don't want you to know that you were the subject of their staredown.

Sometimes they do a 180 before you open your eyes.

But give them a few blinks, and they're back to where they started.

That water level was low.

Low enough to uncover some arrowhead (
Sagittaria latifolia) which I had never seen growing along the creek before.
And then there was this unfortunate little guy. There isn't as much water in the creek but this poor little caterpillar managed to find a spot where it was deep enough for him to drown. He's an
Ellida caniplaga caterpillar who would have grown up to become a Linden Prominent moth (thanks BugGuide) if he hadn't pulled an Ophelia. These
caterpillars are not photographed often because they spend their lives at the tops of linden trees and don't climb down until it's time for them to pupate, probably what this guy was doing when he took a wrong step. Or maybe something more dramatic was going on because that is one Millais worthy pose.
Anyway, there were other pretty butterflies in the area to be discovered, such as this Eastern Tailed-Blue butterfly...

...and Little Wood Satyr.

The orb weavers have started to build their eye level webs again. This was the first web I walked through this year and of course, this guy jumped on my head and didn't want to get off. Eeeeugh. Spined Micrathena spiders are the freakiest looking things.
From then on I was onto them. I ducked and walked around any slight shimmer of a web and I think they were disappointed that I didn't walk through any of them because apparently they consider me a good catch and did not want me to get away. Some of them were bold about their intentions...
And some of them tried to make themselves really inconspicuous, thinking I could never see such an invisible, well-hidden spider hanging in mid-air....right in front of my face.
But I was onto them and their various strategies. Nobody caught me after that first spider.
There are always a lot of stink bugs in the area but this is the first time I ever met a dusky stink bug (Euschistus tristigmus). He's situated himself on a seedpod of some prairie mimosa.

His underside was a brilliant bright yellow and for a stinkbug, I thought he was very pretty.
Close by was one of his young relatives.
My biggest discovery of the day was this.......chanterelle mushrooms. At least I think they're chanterelles. I'm not going to eat any until an expert confirms this and even then.....but at least I know they're there if that's what they turn out to be. That was my best discovery of the day.

And then there was my weirdest discovery to date......
At one time there used to be a house on the land until it burned down. After everything was cleared, all that was left was the foundation. And in the middle of that foundation was a small square where the old fireplace used to be. Last week, some mysterious person visited my land for who knows what reason, to spend some time excavating that spot. The beer cans or the one lost shoe, those things I can understand when I find them. Country teens tend to lose things, but someone to spend so much time in the hot sun when it's been around 100 degrees every day? Just mystifying. I kind of want to know... what were they looking for? What was buried there? Did they find it? And....will they be back?
Rie suggests it's the work of satanists and to be on alert for pentagrams. Rie thinks there are gold bars hidden under the foundation. I'm thinking it's probably connected with the volunteer water department but even then....what a curious thing to discover.