But the mayapples are in bloom...
Acres and acres of them...although you do kind of have to peek under their skirts to see the flowers. :-/
The yellow colored lilac buds from over a month ago...
The pink flowering shrub growing on the creek bank...
Burgess pointed out this tree stump and we wondered what kind of oak it was.

I don't think I'll ever identify what happened to Aussie's head. We were looking for morels near another creek and one minute Aussie was perfectly dry, one minute later she showed up with a big mud patch on the top of her head. Hmmm.

Maybe Bella did it. Bella lives with Aussie and is a very sweet dog but kind of clueless about a lot of things. Like how the treatmobile works. Aussie knows that when a car door is opened, every door is a magic door because there is always a treat behind it. And then there's Bella...
Not quite focusing on what's going on...like that there is someone behind her with dog treats in hand.

Last fall a friend of mine came to visit and I wanted to show him my land in Kansas. We were instantly joined by Aussie and Bella. It was a memorable day because this was the first time I took a big splat into the creek. I knew it would have to happen some day...and someone I had not seen in almost 20 years was there to witness the whole thing. Great. Anyway, when I felt myself airborne, I knew that when I landed something was going to be broken. Could be a tooth, an arm, my camera.....but when I completed my splat onto a big flat rock, I had no time to figure out the state of things because Bella and Aussie immediately jumped all over me to see if I was okay. Tom called out to ask if I was all right (after he took this picture!) but I couldn't answer because I was laughing so hard because of those dogs. That blurry black spot is Bella. The blurry orange spot is Aussie. The red and blue blurs are parts of me I can't quite figure out. :-/ Surprisingly, my camera and I did not get hurt... both of us did end up getting a little sore though.
Aussie gets along with most dogs and Bacon, just being a little over a year old, really likes to play with her. But Bella...he loves Bella. Rie says that's because Bella is more Bacon's height. Aussie is just too tall.
Bacon still is unsure about this whole water thing.
Bella is too but I don't think she's capable of studying the situation as thoughtfully as Bacon.
Two thoughtful dogs sharing a moment. Too much thinking for Bella and she is.......off.

However, when it comes to Bucky, who is the shortest dog of all...two extra inches of moving water makes a big difference! Consideration about such things had to be considered.

Regarding those elusive morels....we've searched near creeks, under cedars, near mayapples, beside dead trees, on rainy days, on warm days.....I guess the thing to do is to just look out your back door, that's where my brother found these...